Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pole na Asante Sana!!

Pole Sana!! (Very sorry!)
I am very sorry for being so bad at posting my last month or so in Tanzania. I honestly had a post written for about 3 weeks trying to find a computer to post with no success. I eventually gave up and decided to wait til I got home to write another post. For those of you who do not know... I am home!! I have been for about a week now. (Sorry that I waited a week to post. I am really bad at this. =/ ) I will try to explain my last 6 weeks or so. No there's too much. Let me sum up. So after Christmas I went back to the base. I spent New Years at the base after welcoming in the new year with a over-night prayer service at the big stadium in Dar es Salaam. That was a cool experience! I cannot think of a better way to start the New Year than praying with my brothers and sisters in Christ! I did a lot more work at the clinic. The immunization clinic on Wednesdays was my favorite thing. I was able to do a lot on that day. If I knew Swahili I probably could be running the place. Actually the nurses would try to put me in charge and do things on my own. But I would always have to ask them questions because people would start speaking to me in Swahili and I would have no idea what they were saying. In January I went on 3 village medical outreach trips with Dr. Joel. I could say they were one of my favorite part of my whole experience. The first one I went to was in the village of Mzenga. On this trip we went house to house treating patients. While there I met a nurse from Texas, Monica, who has been working there with the people. This was my favorite experience of them all. This showed me what my future could look like. After spending a couple days doing that I fell in love with the idea of doing medical missions in the future. The next village we went to was the village of Jaja. We had to take a plane there because the only other way to get there was by boat and that takes somewhere like 7 or 10 hours or something ridiculous like that. So we took about an hour plane ride to Jaja. It was the most beautiful places I have seen! It was so green! But I guess it would be if it is almost impossible to get there. There we set up shop in a building and the people came to us. We had Faulstino, a man from the base, come with us to talk and pray with the patients. 10 people came to know Jesus on our trip! The next one was to a village close to the base. I am not sure what the name of the village is. But again the people came to us and we had someone there to pray with the patients. The last few weeks of my stay my Aunt Lori came to visit me/make sure that I came home (it was a very important job my mom gave her... my mom really wanted me home.) We went to Mikumi National Park and did a safari. We also went to the island of Zanzibar before leaving February 12. We flew to London and stayed for a couple days before I returned home last Wednesday February 15.
Asanta Sana! (Squashed banana!) (Thank you very much!)
Thank you so much to all of you who were praying for me, sending me messages, and just reading my blog! It means so much to me! Seriously! You all helped to make my trip possible. So thank you so much! So I am officially back. If anyone wants to get a hold of me through Skype, Facebook, Email, or phone I will be excited to hear from you. Thanks once again!
God bless,

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