Friday, December 23, 2011


Being a Mzungu (a white person) has its pros and cons. Here in the southern part of Tanzania, Mzungus are a rare thing to see. So whenever go out the people always shout, "There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt!" (Okay I could not help myself there. =) ) But seriously I usually hear, "Mzungu!", "Jambo Mzungu!", or something similar. Mostly I get stares from people. This week I was still recovering from my sunburn. When my skin peeled on my face, it left behind very painful raw-like skin. So after a couple days I had a nice, very noticeable scab thing on my face. "Just in case I'm not enough of a freak already, let's add a tiara!" (Anyone know what that is from?!? =) ) But for me it was marks on my face instead of a tiara. So for a few days I was getting a lot of looks from people. But back to the pros and cons. One thing that the Tanzanians think when they see a Mzungu is that they have a lot of money. (which compared to them may not be so inaccurate.) But that means that when buying things in the market in the local villages, they might bump up the prices up to 4 times more than what they usually sell it for. That is not so awesome. I guess another con would be all the look that I mentioned before. I sometimes forget that I am a sight to see here. It probably is because there are enough of us Mzungus here on the base to make things seem a bit different. All of them European besides myself and Dr. Joel. Mostly Germans actually. Another thing neither pro nor con... being a Mzungu attracts other Mzungus. I have been to town 3 times. And 2 of those times I have had a white person come up to me to ask me a question. I must look very knowledgeable or approachable or something. I do not know. All I know is that I have no idea as to the answer to their question. I just refer them to my fellow companions who know. So probably at this point you are thinking to yourself, "You have told up about the cons. What about the pros?!?" Ah! Let me tell you about the pros. Well there is really only one that really matters. I said before that being a Mzungu attracts African. Well being a Mzungu also attracts Africans. But what I mean by this is a more "romantic" attraction. Just in the past week I have had a man at the clinic tell me he loves me. Another man asked me to be his lover. And Sunday a man proposed to me! Yes it is true. I am even a heart breaker here in Tanzania. ( I say that with the utmost sarcasm I can muster.) It was not exactly how I envisioned getting proposed to. I was on my way back from a village Kimazichana where I went to church to hear my friend Santos speak. (Just a little side note on that... Most of you might know that I am not much of a speaker. I definitely do not like public speaking. But these Tanzanians are very persistent! Santos convinced me to speak a little in front of the church. It was not for very long. And there were not that many people. And most of them did not understand what I was say so my new friend Geoffrey translated for me. But I promise you that by the end of my trip they will be asking me to preach whole messages! Now back to your regular program.) We took the Dola dolas (I think this is actually how you spell it but I am not sure. Spelling has never been a strength of mine.) So on the way back I got a seat in the front with my friend Jane from Zambia. That was very nice because that meant that I would not be crowded by other people coming and going on the bus. And it was a good 2 hour ride. So it was nice to be comfortable. But being in the front and right by the passenger window (I guess it would technically be left not right. Get it! Because they drive on the left. =) )I was very visible and an easy target for those who wanted to converse with me. At one of the stops, a man asked if I knew Swahili. I told him "kidogo" or a little. His friend then came over and they were asking me if I was married. I said, "Hapana." (No) Then they gave me this speech about how it was time for me to get married because I was the right age for marriage. And that I should marry his friend. Ha asked if I wanted to marry him! Luckily I was saved by the bus. The bus pulled away while he was continuing to convince me to marry him. So all you Mzungu ladies out there that are single and wish to be married... Come to Tanzania. The men here will be more than happy to marry a nice Mzungu lady like yourself. So that was my first marriage proposal. Probably not my last either. You know I am just realizing that I do not even know what that young man's name was. Hmm... I should have thought to ask. But I guess he did not know my name either and he asked me to marry him. So I guess knowing each others name is not so very important. For what is in a name anyways? But I will keep you guys updated on any further proposals.
No real update on prayer requests. I am still trying hard to learn Kiswahili. I do feel like I am understanding better. Which is very encouraging! Even the people here have noticed. So thank you for your prayers on that. Still pray for the work in the clinic. I am slowly doing more and more which is also great! One more think about communicating with me. I am now able to get on Facebook again. So if you want to message me there or email me I would be happy to hear from you! =) Thank you all so much for your support and prayers and for reading this! Love and miss you all!

UPDATE: (Like from those shows like Unsolved Mysteries =) ) I have been trying to post this blog for more than a week now. With the unreliable internet and power outages it makes posting difficult sometimes. And in that time I have had an update in the marriage proposal thing! You must be thinking to yourself, "Already?!? How is that possible?!?" Well like I told you before... I am a heart breaker. (Sarcasm again if you did not catch it.) A few days ago I went to the local market to buy some things. Well the store owner asked me to marry him! Then just today a man asked where I was from. I told him America. He asked, "Where Obama is?" I said, "Yes Obama land!" (That is what they call America sometimes.) To that response he immediately hugged me and before I knew what was happening kissed me on the cheek!! They REALLY love Obama here! =)

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